About Me

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In 2011 I considered myself a pop culture junkie. I cleaned up and tried to only focus on a few pop culture obsessions at a time. In 2017, I relapsed.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I really like making mixes. For someone special, for myself, for a friend, anyone really. It's even better when I have a slight understanding on a person's musical taste, because then I can work around that instead of working in the dark.

Anyway, it's a new year. Same old stuff though. Went to New Paltz to celebrate. Ended up spooning Alan. Woke up in a stranger's apartment. Had Burger King for lunch despite feeling like I had to throw up. I'm going to miss being able to do that on a regular basis.

I walked through campus in the morning and forgot to walk by Crispell to see how the construction status is doing on that. Oops. Next time... next time.

The resume building and job hunt begins next week... yay.

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