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In 2011 I considered myself a pop culture junkie. I cleaned up and tried to only focus on a few pop culture obsessions at a time. In 2017, I relapsed.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

50 Book Challenge

So I've decided to try and complete the 50 Book Challenge this year. It is currently January 18th (or so my watch tells me) and I'm already two in. Which means I guess I'm not doing too badly just yet. However, for this challenge, I do want to set some rules for myself (or else it wouldn't be a challenge). Thus far, the two books that I have read met the criteria I am setting for myself. It won't be super strict, just some ground rules:

1. In order to count, I can't have read the book in its entirety before.

I'm pretty sure this rule is a given, and most people who do attempt the 50 Book Challenge only count books they haven't read yet. That said, in the past there have been books that I started to read but would stop mid-way through it for whatever reason. If I were to pick up one of these books, start from the beginning and read through to the ending, I would count it. This might be bending someone else's rules, but it makes sense to me because I would still be reading a story where I don't know everything that happens.

2. Illustrations are fine, so long as there's some sort of (semi)complex plot that follows with the illustrations. In other words, Graphic Novels will count, but The Very Hungry Caterpillar would not. Not that children's books can't be complex (see Dr. Seuss's Fox in Socks), but the reading level should be at least that of a young adult novel, if not older.

2a. If it is a comic or graphic novel and comes in several issues, each part much be read to count as the "full story." So for example, if I wanted to read The Long Halloween, I would have to read each issue to count as one book. Except I've already read The Long Halloween so it won't count toward this year.

3. I'm talking about books that I've read beginning in January 2011. Even though I got a lot of reading done last semester, the slate has been wiped clean for the new year.

That's all for now. If I establish any other rules I'll post them. Tomorrow I'll also list the books that I've already read and maybe a short review or something.

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