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In 2011 I considered myself a pop culture junkie. I cleaned up and tried to only focus on a few pop culture obsessions at a time. In 2017, I relapsed.

Friday, January 28, 2011

50 Book Challenge: Book 4

Foundation by Isaac Asimov.

I was supposed to read this for the Science Fiction class that I took four years ago but never did. Well, I tried to, but the class moved way too fast for me and I never got past the second part. The discussions in class must've sucked though, because I never once heard anything mentioned about the ever-shifting narrative or how the book is compiled of five short stories that are all tied together. Not that it's too difficult to understand what is going on, but when you aren't expecting the main characters to change around half way through the book it doesn't seem a little odd.

I really enjoyed parts of the book while I found other parts kind of boring. I know that might be a bit of a blasphemous thing to say, since it is a cornerstone of modern sci-fi, but some of the scenes in the book just felt like they were dragging through politically commentary that was whizzing over my head. Still, something would always happen to keep my interest going so I obviously didn't find the book that boring. When I get the opportunity, I hope to read at least the rest of the books in the main series (and if I'm feeling adventurous, then the prequels and all that stuff too)

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