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In 2011 I considered myself a pop culture junkie. I cleaned up and tried to only focus on a few pop culture obsessions at a time. In 2017, I relapsed.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

50 Book Challenge: Book 3

I actually finished this book about two days ago. I've just been too busy forgetful to post.

Slam by Nick Hornby

I guess I have a thing for British authors. Nick Horny is the man who also wrote such classics as High Fidelity, About a Boy and How to Be Good. High Fidelity is one of my favorite novels (as well as movies). About a Boy and How to Be Good were also both (to be repetitive) good novels (the film version of About a Boy was okay and as far as I know How to Be Good as yet to been turned into one). What I really like about Nick Hornby's characters is how easy they are to relate to- even if you're nothing like them at all. Slam's protagonist/narrator is Sam, a British 15 year old who skateboards. I'm an American 20-something who plays guitar. And yet all the feelings and thoughts that Sam experiences are very similar to how I either acted in my adolescence or how I probably would've acted had I been stuck in the same situation.

I don't want to give away the plot too much, but the main part of the story does revolve around Sam making a mess out of his life right as things finally began to come together. It's a good, heart-warming (sort of) story and has a mostly sweet ending. I'm sure at some point down the line it'll be turned into a movie even though it would've worked out really well as a movie in the later half of 2007 (coincidentally that was the copyright year). If you don't know what that means, maybe read the book and then reflect on the movies that came out in 2007.

Yep. That's all I've got to say on that.

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