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In 2011 I considered myself a pop culture junkie. I cleaned up and tried to only focus on a few pop culture obsessions at a time. In 2017, I relapsed.

Friday, July 4, 2008

The Mania - Four Song Demo

The Mania are a punk band hailing from New Paltz, NY. It's kind of funny, because none of the members are actually from New Paltz. That aside, the music is alright. This specific recording is kind of sloppy and the levels aren't balanced and all that jazz.

This is more shameless self promotion than anything. I'm in the band, so the more I spew, the more obvious it becomes.

oh, and we're planning on changing our name. We just don't know when we will. Or what to change it to.

01. Frat Party
02. Kamikaze Vomit Comet
03. Diet Pills
04. When I Dream (Take 1)
05. When I Dream (Take 2)


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