About Me

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In 2011 I considered myself a pop culture junkie. I cleaned up and tried to only focus on a few pop culture obsessions at a time. In 2017, I relapsed.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Job interview in 10 and a half hours.

I'm kind of nervous. I haven't interviewed for a job since I got the News Director position, and that went terribly.  The only (well, not "only" but one of the main ones) reason I was picked was because my competition was graduating in a semester while I had two.

I guess I also interviewed for RA. That was only a year ago.

But still. This is the first time I'm interviewing for a real job. I hope I can sleep tonight.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I just applied to teach English in South Korea. Completely on impulse. I think it could be fun.


I also just scored an interview from a place I applied to two hours ago. That was really fast.

Bad News: I sold my soul to the devil this afternoon

I'm slowly becoming more and more integrated into the world of the Internet. I can use it to look up prospective employers just as easily as they can use it to look me up.

And even though it hasn't been a full week since I've set up my previous blog, I also created a tumblr for when I just feel like posting a single YouTube link instead of writing mini-essays.

Maybe one day I'll be paid to just write and post music related things. Perhaps I'll submit a review or something to a magazine and see where I go from there.

In case you're interested: http://cmonandcheermeup.tumblr.com/

Saturday, March 26, 2011

New Blog.

I started a new blog. It's called C'mon and Cheer Me Up. It's named after lyrics from a Descendents song and whenever I feel like writing stuff about music it'll go in there. So I guess it'll mostly just be stuff like essays/rants on bands or albums that are important to me, maybe some reviews or something and whatever else comes to mind. I'll still use Minimum 8 but I think that name is kind of dated and I kind of want to change it, but I already snagged the url, so I don't know. It's the content that's important (ideally) so maybe it's not important.

Either way, new blog for music stuff; old blog for other things.

Oh yeah, and I transferred the Minimum 8 account over to my new Google account so it's all conveniently in a single place. So from this point on, there will be a new author name, but it's still the same ol' me.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Still jobless, but feeling hopeful. It's probably the good weather.

Still a terrible blogger too, but that's also probably to blame on the weather.