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In 2011 I considered myself a pop culture junkie. I cleaned up and tried to only focus on a few pop culture obsessions at a time. In 2017, I relapsed.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I spent the last week and a half away from home and it was great; but now I'm back stuck in this basement and it's terrible.

I just feel a lot better when I'm not cooped up inside and I know that I could easily fix that by just going out more often, but going out in the city requires cash. Cash which I do not have. Yet. Since most of the jobs I applied to have been online, I feel like I should be hearing back from some soon. I figure that since it's almost summer, big corporations who hire through online means look for new hires closer to the end of the school year rather than in the middle of it. At least I'm trying to be optimistic in thinking that.

I miss Raleigh. I was only there for three and a half days, but I think I could probably get along just fine living there.

On the plus side to living in New York City, I applied to be a DJ at WXRK aka 92.3 Now. They're what used to be K-Rock. Unfortunately, they're pretty much just a Hot AC format, whereas I'm a bit more rock and alternative based, so I'm not sure how that'll work out. Maybe they'll be open to becoming a multi-format station. Yeah, and maybe one day monkeys will fly out of my butt.


Laura Rose said...

Walking around, playing guitar outside or going to Barnes & Noble to read does not require cash.

Jimmy said...

People would give you money if you figured out how to get monkeys to fly out of butts too.